Business Cards

 These are my sketches for my business cards. I used a mixture of fonts and included different art and drawings in my sketches.

This is my favorite business card. I created a simple front that includes only a background and my logo. For the back, I lowered the saturation on the background so the words would stand out more. I also made the font for my information different and more bold so it would stand out.

Since this business card is lavender I wanted to include a lavender clip art to separate my first and last name. On the back side, I thought it made the most sense to use the black and white logo so that it looks more minimalist. I also made the information on the card a bold text with a white outline so it would stand out.

This is my final business card. I really like this business card because I think the background color looks really good with my logo. It is also very simple but clean.
