Ps HW 1
Video 1: In this video he discusses a few beginner tools. He starts out explaining the lasso tool. This tool allows you to lasso around something so you are able to remove it. Next he discusses the spot healing brush tool. This tool allows you to remove an object by drawing over it. Then he talks about the masking tool. This allows you to hide parts of your image without completely deleting it. All of the tools he discusses seemed easy to learn and a very helpful tool. Video 2: This video gave me a brief introduction to the more basic tools I will use. He started off by teaching me the move tool which allows you to move around the image. Then he discusses the rectangular marquee tool which lets you click and drag a piece of the image. He also mention the quick selection tool with allows you to move parts of an image. This video enlightened me about how different tools can be used in different ways and can do similar things to other tools. Video 3: In this video I learned quick tip...